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I have never been someone who has had a clear path of what they “want to be” but at the root of all that I do is my desire to help people in some shape or form.

This has led me to different job opportunities and also to travelling the world by myself and volunteering along the way which had its scary moments but proved to myself that I could really do anything if I just focused and looked for the good in situations.

Southsea has always been my place that I would visit to feel recharged and after spending an amazing weekend with friends I decided that I wanted to make it my permanent home and set myself the goal to be relocated by the time I was 30. I managed this with 2 weeks to spare – now that I have lived here for over 2 years I couldn’t think of anywhere else I would want to be.

After a successful career in the Leisure and Sports I really wanted to step away from the corporate side of things and be involved in a community with wellbeing at the centre of what it does.  

When LANO opened in February I took out the Intro offer and threw myself into all the different styles and I just loved how my time on the mat was my time to really shut off from the outside and just be present in the here and now.

Exercise has always been a great escapism for me and the positives that it has on mental health are incredible. With Yoga I have now found a place to have the much needed quiet time for a very busy brain.

I am so happy to be part of LANO and what they stand for – to be able to be part of something that is directly positively impacting the Community is the perfect job satisfaction for me.



Author Lanoyoga

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